Recipe: Amazing Boiled rice and fried green grams(ndengu)

Recipe: Amazing Boiled rice and fried green grams(ndengu)

Boiled rice and fried green grams(ndengu). Wash and boil the green grams until soft. Drain the water but do not discard. Hey there, today we are making a common meal in the Kenyan household, Fried Ngengu served with rice.

Boiled rice and fried green grams(ndengu) In a pan, put oil and fry the onions and. Mung Beans curry (Ndengu / green grams curry). Mung beans curry is a staple in my home. You can have Boiled rice and fried green grams(ndengu) using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Boiled rice and fried green grams(ndengu)

  1. You need 1.100 g of green grams.
  2. You need 2.3 of tomatoes.
  3. It's 3 of . 2 onions.
  4. You need 4 of . 100g carrots.
  5. It's 5.300 g of rice.
  6. Prepare 6.10 g of salt.
  7. You need 7.10 ml of cooking oil.
  8. It's 8 of . I litre of water.
  9. It's 9.2 piece of Cinnamon.

It is because of the impressive health benefits found in Add the onion and fry till lightly brown. Follow by adding the garlic and ginger and continue frying for another minute. Daawat Pulses green grams samosa kenyan samosas lentil samosa ndengu samosa samosa. Make sure the oil is not too hot when frying or it will make bubbles all over the pastry, so cook it on a lower flame, stirring frequently so it browns.

Boiled rice and fried green grams(ndengu) instructions

  1. Put rice in a boiled water in a sufuria. Add salt and cinnamon. Let it boil for sometime until done..
  2. Cut the onions into rings and put them in the sufuria with little cooking oil.Add carrots and tomatoes cut into rings and give it 2 minutes..
  3. Put the ready boiled green grams into the mixture,add salt and mix..
  4. Add some water and give it time to be done.
  5. Serve the food.

Green grams aka ndengu but really they are pojo. Be it with rice or chapo, these my garlic and cumin ndengu will knock you right off of your feet!! This Ndengu (Green gram ) coconut curry recipe is the business for sure. Simple to make yet bursting with flavor. Home » RICE VARIETIES » Green gram sprouts fried rice recipe.

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